
How Can A Growing Animal Get Calcium To Make New Bone Tissue?

Linda Crampton is a writer and former teacher with a kickoff-class honors degree in biology. She writes about the scientific basis of disease.

Our skeleton performs many vital jobs.

Our skeleton performs many vital jobs.

Impressive Structures With Multiple Functions

Bones are impressive structures that exercise vital jobs for us. They provide attachment sites for muscles and enable us to move. Some, such as the skull and ribs, protect organs. They also make our claret cells, store minerals such as calcium and release them when necessary, and shop lipids, which are an free energy reserve.

I very important function of os is to send calcium into the bloodstream when the body needs it. Calcium is a vital chemical in our bodies. It's necessary for muscle contraction, claret clotting, nerve conduction, and other functions. It as well provides strength to bones and teeth.

Specialized cells called osteoclasts pause downwardly bone to complimentary the calcium. Cells known equally osteoblasts deposit calcium into os, remaking it. The process of replacing onetime bone with new bone is known equally remodeling.

Types of Bone Tissue and Marrow

Two types of bone tissue exist. The outer layer of a bone is composed of compact or cortical tissue. This is a dense fabric with low porosity. Spongy tissue (as well called cancellous or trabecular tissue) forms the inner part of bones. Information technology's made of a network of solid bone enclosing many pores. Marrow is located in these pores.

Bone marrow is red or yellowish in color. The cherry blazon makes blood cells and the yellow blazon stores lipids (fats). Bones in different areas of the body accept different proportions of compact and spongy tissue besides as dissimilar types of marrow.

A complete osteon is located on the left and two incomplete ones are shown on the right.

A complete osteon is located on the left and two incomplete ones are shown on the correct.

Compact or Cortical Os

The unit or building block of compact os is a cylindrical construction called an osteon. The name comes from the Greek discussion for os.

  • An osteon contains a central canal chosen the Haversian canal. Blood vessels and fretfulness run through this structure.
  • A Haversian culvert is surrounded by circular, concentric layers of tissue called lamellae. The lamellae are made of a material chosen os matrix.
  • Bone matrix is fabricated of a mineral chosen hydroxyapatite. This mineral contains calcium and phosphorus as well as a protein called collagen.
  • Extending from the Haversian culvert and through the lamellae are small horizontal canals called canaliculi.
  • Lacunae are small cavities or chambers located between i lamella and the adjacent. (The night imperial structures in the diagram in a higher place are the lacunae.) The osteocytes or mature bone cells are located in the lacunae.
  • Osteocytes are star-shaped cells. They take long extensions that project into the canaliculi.
  • The membrane that covers the outer surface of the bone is chosen the periosteum.

The give-and-take "Haversian" in the term "Haversian canal" is generally capitalized because it'southward named after Clopton Havers. Havers was a physician who lived in England in the seventeenth century. He was the first person to draw the canal and may also accept been its discoverer.

Spongy, Cancellous, or Trabecular Bone

Spongy os looks like a honeycomb or latticework, as shown in the centre of the illustration below. Each rod of os is called a trabecula or a spicule. Trabeculae don't incorporate osteons or Haversian canals. They do comprise lamellae, or layers of bone matrix, just the lamellae are parallel to each other. The matrix contains lacunae and canaliculi, as well every bit osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts. Nutrients movement from the marrow in the pores of the lattice into the trabeculae. The nutrients attend the cells in the os.

Volkmann's canals are horizontal channels in bone that contain blood vessels connecting the vessels in the Haversian canals to each other and to the periosteum. They are also known as perforating canals.

Volkmann's canals are horizontal channels in bone that comprise blood vessels connecting the vessels in the Haversian canals to each other and to the periosteum. They are as well known every bit perforating canals.

When the corporeality of bone industry equals the corporeality of disintegration, the mass of a bone remains the same. At sure stages of our lives or nether certain atmospheric condition, the amounts are different. In these cases, a bone's mass volition modify.

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Functions of Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts

Osteoblasts build new os matrix and osteoclasts interruption information technology down. (I remember the difference in the words' meanings by the fact that the letter b in "osteoblast" is also the first letter of the discussion "build".)

The creation and destruction of bone, the communication between its cells, and the signaling processes that occur are complex activities. Scientists accept discovered that osteoblasts make a poly peptide hormone, which is known as osteocalcin. The functions of this hormone and the activities that take identify in bone are still existence investigated.

Facts Nigh Osteoblasts

Osteoblasts are cuboidal cells that work as a group to form new bone. They comprise a big quantity of rough endoplasmic reticulum, which makes and transports proteins. They also have a large Golgi circuitous, which acts as a packaging expanse for products manufactured by the cell.

The osteoblasts move over the matrix of a bone and deposit a protein mixture called osteoid. The osteoid contains a protein called collagen as its major component. So the osteoblasts deposit minerals—including calcium—into the osteoid to make bone. The new material fills in the cavity formed by osteoclasts.

A group of osteoblasts making osteoid, which is shown at the center

A group of osteoblasts making osteoid, which is shown at the center


Some osteoblasts become trapped in the bone matrix and are transformed into osteocytes inside lacunae. Osteocytes are thought to be sensory cells that are involved in signaling processes inside the bone. They connect to other osteocytes through their projections, which extend through the canaliculi. They are the near abundant cells in os and as well announced to take the longest lifespan.

Some osteoblasts become flattened and turn into lining cells that cover the surface of the matrix instead of beingness transformed into osteocytes.

An osteoclast with multiple nuclei lying on top of bone. The cytosol (solution around the nuclei) has a typical "foamy" appearance.

An osteoclast with multiple nuclei lying on top of os. The cytosol (solution around the nuclei) has a typical "foamy" appearance.

Facts About Osteoclasts

Unlike osteoblasts, osteoclasts contain more than 1 nucleus. They are large cells produced by the fusion of several smaller ones. Osteoclasts travel over the surface of the bone matrix and secrete acids and enzymes to disintegrate information technology, forming a little pit on the surface of the bone.

As an osteoclast becomes active, the surface that is contact with os becomes ruffled. This increases the surface area for absorption of minerals. The minerals (in their ionic form) are absorbed into the osteoclast, which later releases them into the tissue fluid located between cells. From at that place, the ions enter the blood. The procedure of bone breakup and mineral uptake by the osteoclasts is known as resorption.

Hormonal Command of Calcium Degradation and Release

Our thyroid gland is located in front of our trachea, or windpipe, and sometimes covers the base of the larynx, which leads to the trachea. The iv parathyroid glands are located backside the larger thyroid gland, as shown in the illustration below.

The parathyroid glands brand a hormone called parathyroid hormone (also known as PTH or parathormone), which stimulates the action of osteoclasts when the amount of calcium in the blood falls. The hormone causes the transfer of calcium from bone to blood. On the other manus, the thyroid gland makes a hormone chosen calcitonin that slows the activity of osteoclasts, decreasing bone breakdown. Parathyroid hormone seems to be the more than significant of the ii hormones.

Estrogen in females and testosterone in males assistance to maintain bone strength. Other hormones that have an influence on bone mass are growth hormone, which is made by the pituitary gland, and cortisol, which is made past the adrenal gland. Growth hormone increases bone mass while excess cortisol decreases information technology.

The thyroid and parathyroid glands play a role in bone remodeling.

The thyroid and parathyroid glands play a part in bone remodeling.

Bone Production and Resorption

In general, when someone performs regular weight-begetting exercise, the corporeality of bone product exceeds the corporeality of resorption and bones increment in size. On the other hand, if someone is bedridden, production falls and the net effect is os loss.

Our stage of life also influences the behavior of our bones. Bone production predominates during growth while resorption tends to predominate as we age. Researchers take plant that the amount of resorption becomes larger than the amount of production in our mid thirties, although the deviation doesn't go significant until our forties or fifties. A nutritious diet, moderate exercise of the correct blazon, and a healthy lifestyle tin can deadening resorption and stimulate the production of new os every bit we historic period.

A green smoothie can a great drink to boost the calcium level in the body.

A green smoothie can a corking drinkable to boost the calcium level in the body.

Worldwide, osteoporosis causes more than than 8.9 1000000 fractures annually, resulting in an osteoporotic fracture every 3 seconds

— International Osteoporosis Foundation

What Is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disorder in which the bones become unusually porous and brittle and bone density decreases. The condition generally appears in older people, although it occurs in young ones likewise. In osteoporosis, the amount of bone resorption is much college than the amount of bone production.

Osteoporosis can occur in both males and females, but information technology'south most common in postal service-menopausal women. After menopause, the corporeality of estrogen in a women's body decreases significantly. This increases the risk of weakened bones.

In the video below, a doc describes osteoporosis. If you are concerned about the disorder, a visit to your ain medico would be a good thought. He or she will be able to diagnose the condition. The doctor will besides be able to requite y'all suggestions for dealing with the disorder, reducing the chance that osteoporosis will develop, and decreasing its damage if information technology does announced.

How to Help Keep Bones Strong

Some common tips for keeping bones stiff are described below. They are besides common suggestions for helping us to stay healthy in other respects. If yous already have osteoporosis, however, don't do any exercises without consulting your doctor.

In club to strengthen bones and reduce the chance of osteoporosis development, good nutrition and sufficient (simply not extreme) practise are important. An adequate intake of both calcium and vitamin D is necessary. Vitamin D is needed for calcium assimilation through the lining of the small-scale intestine. Other nutrients are also needed for bone health, so a varied diet with lots of nutritious foods should be followed. Smoking should be avoided, since enough of research shows that it weakens bones. Excessive alcohol intake does the same affair.

Someone who wants to use exercise as a tactic to prevent osteoporosis should do some research. Some types of practice are neat for maintaining general health but don't stimulate bone growth significantly. It's also important to do exercises that strengthen the high-risk bones for osteoporosis, which are the hips, spine, and wrists.

With care and effort, nosotros tin fight our body'south trend to reduce bone mass as nosotros age. Nosotros tin also reduce the take a chance of developing osteoporosis and slow its progression if it's already developed. Medications that can treat osteoporosis exist and may be helpful, but prevention is better than treatment.


  • Information about the osteon from the Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Facts nearly bone remodeling from the University of Washington (Scroll downwards to see a useful table.)
  • Biology of bone tissue from the United states National Library of Medicine
  • The biological science of bones from the International Osteoporosis Foundation
  • Facts about maintaining bone strength from the National Osteoporosis Foundation
  • Tips to keep your bones healthy from the Mayo Clinic

This content is accurate and truthful to the all-time of the author's knowledge and does non substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, handling, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side furnishings. If meaning or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an private footing. Seek firsthand help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

Questions & Answers

Question: What are your thoughts on Xgeva?

Respond: I'm non the correct person to ask, since I'thousand not a doctor. In that location are many factors involved in choosing a prescribed medication. The likelihood of a benefit for the patient's particular condition, the potential side effects, the potential for harm, the patient'southward other ailments, and their general state of health all play a role in the option. Your family doctor or a specialist who is familiar with your case would be the all-time person to consult.

Question: What nutritional foods stimulate the production of osteocalcin in osteoblasts?

Answer: Vitamin K is required for osteocalcin product. Leafy, dark green vegetables are a good source of the vitamin. It's fat-soluble, and so eating a small quantity of a healthy oil with the greens will help the vitamin to be absorbed.

© 2013 Linda Crampton

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on Apr 17, 2020:

Hi. I recall yous are referring to biophosphonates. I'k a scientific discipline writer, not a doctor, however. Your medico will be able to advise you nearly the furnishings of biophosphonates in your specific medical situation.

pog57 on April 17, 2020:

I am told I demand biosphomates for my osteoporosis. I practice non desire to accept whatever drugs just my spine is at -3.1 and neck -iii.0, my hip -two.iv. My question is do biosphomates block osteoblasts?

Linda Crampton (writer) from British Columbia, Canada on May 09, 2017:

Thank you for sharing your experience, Una. I hope your bone issues are solved. I would make sure that you check with your doctor about the time that should be spent in the dominicus without protection in gild to brand vitamin D and stay safe at the same time. At that place are several variables involved, including skin type and the UV alphabetize.

Una on May 09, 2017:

Thank you for this very informative commodity. My female parent had astringent osteoporosis and despite me being enlightened and spending years in the gym doing weight begetting exercises and eating healthy, I had a wrist fracture very recently (I am 61). A DEXA browse now revealed I have osteoporosis in my spine, osteopenia in my hip and severe osteoporosis in my arms.

I am now taking ADCAL-D3 daily and alendronic acid once a calendar week The latter sounds horrible but I will take for 2 years and see what happens.

My problem, it turns out is, severe lack of vitamin D. I was always told to stay out of the sun because I have fair skin. From now on, I am getting out in the sun as much as I can. They say 20 mins a day sunbathing throughout the summer, gets usa our Vitamin D. So information technology's not equally if nosotros take to be out all 24-hour interval every day. This article has helped a lot to fully understand how our bones work. thank you.

una on May 09, 2017:

thank you

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March twenty, 2017:

I'm deplorable that you have osteoporosis, Nadine. I hope you lot are able to manage it successfully. Your lifestyle certainly sounds salubrious!

Nadine May from Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa on March 20, 2017:

Wow this was very informative, especially me having Osteoporosis. I do my Yoga each morning and alive a healthy lifestyle. Practise not smoke or hardly drink any alcohol, but I must amid that I do not take and vitamins or other supplement for that matter.Yous have reminded me to get some.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 02, 2016:

Thank you so much, Taranwanderer. I appreciate all your comments a smashing bargain.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on January 08, 2013:

Thanks for the visit and the annotate, Dianna! Information technology is a skilful idea to build os strength while immature and to be beware of osteoporosis, as you say. It's better to prevent osteoporosis - if we can - than to treat it.

Dianna Mendez on January 08, 2013:

I know elderly people who suffer from bone loss and wish they had known how to prevent it using advice posted here. Information technology is a good affair to accept vitamin D to preclude this and to raise your body while young. Very well done!

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on January 08, 2013:

Give thanks y'all very much for the comment, Kathi! I capeesh it. I'm sorry virtually your husband'due south problems, only I'm glad that yours accept been detected in the get-go stages.

Kathi Mirto from Fennville on January 08, 2013:

Excellent hub! Pulled out all the stops! Thanks for teaching us this of import information. My hubby actually suffered all his life from bone loss, only I have get-go stages and so take my calcium and vitamin D religiously!

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on Jan 07, 2013:

Thanks for the visit, Prasetio. I appreciate your kind comment and vote very much!

prasetio30 from malang-indonesia on January 07, 2013:

Very informative hub. Very well written and I acquire many things about Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts. I had never heard about this earlier reading this hub. Skilful chore, Alicia. You deserve to get my vote. Accept care!


Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on Jan 07, 2013:

I'm sorry about your son's bug, leahlefler, specially when he'south so young. I hope the situation is resolved sooIn and has a good outcome. Give thanks you for the annotate and for sharing your son'southward experience.

Leah Lefler from Western New York on January 07, 2013:

This is a bully article, Alicia. My son (age 5) was on high-dose proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and we had to monitor his bone density because these drugs can cause osteoporosis and increase the risk of fractures. He's had an anti-reflux surgery now, simply may cease up on the drugs again if his adjacent pH probe study shows connected reflux. Bone health is of import!

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on January 07, 2013:

Give thanks yous very much for the comment and the interesting information, mperrottet. What an unpleasant experience for your friend! It'south very sad when someone takes a medication with the expectation that it volition help their status and and then finds that the medication actually makes the condition worse. Thanks for the votes.

Margaret Perrottet from San Antonio, FL on January 07, 2013:

I've been wondering near how biophosphates such as Fosimax upshot the bone. They're finding out that more and more than people are getting spontaneous femur fractures from taking these drugs, and they seem to be making bones brittle if taken for too long. I accept a friend who is recovering from such a fracture, so I've been very interested in learning more about the remodeling procedure. Great hub - very informative. Voted up, interesting and useful.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on January 06, 2013:

Hello, Peggy. Thanks for the comment, which contains bang-up information. I appreciate the votes and the share, also.

Peggy Wood from Houston, Texas on January 06, 2013:

While I studied all of this in nursing school...information technology has been a while. The main reason that people should know and pay attention to this is to ward off things similar osteoporosis which makes bones weak and much more than susceptible to breaking. Weight bearing exercises even for people in nursing homes has proved it is never also late to adopt a healthy lifestyle with regard to our bones which after all have the chore of supporting our bodies. Upwards votes and sharing.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on January 06, 2013:

Thank you very much for the comment, the vote and the share, Bill. I appreciate them all!

Bill De Giulio from Massachusetts on January 06, 2013:

Alicia. This is swell information. We should all be enlightened of this equally we age. Preventing Osteoporosis is central as nosotros go older. Well done. Voting upward, sharing, etc...

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on Jan 05, 2013:

Thank y'all and so much for the lovely annotate and the votes, Tom. I hope that you had a great Christmas, as well, and that this year is a wonderful 1 for you!

Thomas Silvia from Massachusetts on January 05, 2013:

How-do-you-do Alicia nifty hub and very informative and interesting and loaded with great data .

Vote up and more !!!

Hope you lot had a wonderful Christmas ! Wishing you all the all-time this New year's day !

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on January 05, 2013:

Thank you very much for the comment and for sharing the hub with your friends, drbj. I appreciate your visit.

drbj and sherry from s Florida on January 05, 2013:

Another splendid medical treatise, Alicia. This ane on bones and calcium should be saved past all your readers and shared with those we know. So I shall.


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